Howard Nobeoka

I am continuing to collect jokes from some of my students.

Kami Igata Nobeoka Art Gallery
You have been too fearful to speak out.
English Classes
Nagahama Stroll
"We had some good times at Pian Piano. The service was designed to be slow, I think."
"I was a gate guard at Fort Richardson, Alaska in 1973. One of our squad offered me a cigar."
"I went to Hiroshima for a few days. George Stapchuk Jr. showed me around."
"We almost bought this house. It's made of concrete with iron reinforced walls."
Actually, there is a slim possibilit that we may still buy this house. The taxes are about $1600/Yr.
Hiottoko (Fire Men) used bamboo poles to blow on their fires.
At Kobato Nursery School, only the students that want to study English are allowed to join my class.
The girl with the long hair cut her hair a few weeks back. She soon started to grow it back.
The next big typhoon might wipe Nobeoka off the map.
I am continuing to collect jokes from some of my students.
The whole experience of going on Tozan was, as usual, a joyous experience.
I tried to give them some ideas on Halloween, but I fear that they will not stick.
Here are some notes that I took from my English classes.
Everyone chipped in to make this year's event really something. I enjoyed every aspect of it.
Their memories of this event will probably remain with them for their entire lifetimes.
There are so many activities going on at Kobato Jidoukan on any given day of the week.
Well, they are learning something at Kobato Jidoukan in Nobeoka City.
We were married July 15th, 1990.
We're still getting to know each other at Igata Community Center.
You can come to my house in Kami Igata on Wednesday nights if you want to study English.
I wonder how Miku is these days.
"Yes, I've seen the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man."
And, I wonder how Yurina and Chika are these days.
Those were good times on top of Shiroyama mountain with the Asahi Kasei guys.
The Brass Band



Riddle from Tanaka San: A woman is walking on a country road. A car is speeding behind her at 100 kmph. What happened? (Answer: She ran 101 kmph.)

She offered her honor. I honered her offer. And, all night long, I was on her and offer.

Leper: "Thanks for the tip."

Pink Panther Sings: "Dead Ant . Dead Ant. Dead Ant."

"Nanyanen" Hey, girl!

A father tells his sons to each put 100 dollars into his coffin. One boy tells the other he will put them in. He writes out a check for $200.

Chikyuuyotteru! You're cute!

Why can't a bicycle stand? It is two tired.

Rice water = Karupisu.

Three tomatos. The father walks back to the baby tomato and steps on him and says, "Ketchup!"

If I can guess how much money you have in your pocket, will you give it to me? (Double it and add 3. Product that by five. Subtract 6. Tell me how much you come up with. 10, 20, 23, x 5 = 116 - 6 = 109. You have 9 cents in your pocket.)

Why can't a skeleton play music in a church? (It has no organ.)

"I can save more money than you can." a Jewish person. The next day the Jewish person: I bought a cigar, smoked it, saved the ashes and put them into my planter. You: I bought a sausage, ate the meat inside the skin, used the skin for a rubber, took a shit, and put the shit inside the skin. then I took, it back to the butcher I bought it from and said; "Hey, this smells like shit, I want my money back!"

Englishman: I killed a hundred lions in India. Other man: There are no lions in India. Englishman: I know. I killed them all.

1st Insane Person: I'm Napoleon. 2nd: How do you know? 1st: God told me. 3rd: "No, I didn't"

A man on a Tokyo subway platform is tearing off comic pages. Next Man: Why? Man: So elephants don't come here. Next Man: Elephants don't come here! Man: I know. That's why I am tearing off comic sheets.

12 Inch Pianisto.

A man at the kitchen table says to his wife: "Let's tell the kids to go out and P-L-A-Y so we can fuck.

To a waitress: (Look at me! A hundred and eighty-five pounds of solid dynamite!)

The Waitress wasn't having none of that. She turned to the crowd and said...: "Run for your life, boys! The fuse ain't that long!"







Yuina, Chika

Howard Ahner
Takoyaka English

Reina, Mizuki and Madoka


How To Teach English
How To Teach English

Nobeoka Junior College Festival

We Were Married July 15, 1991

Class Notes
Class Notes
Class Notes

